A dialog serves as a container for in-page contextual information or actions, allowing users to confirm or cancel tasks without navigating away from the current page.
Keyboard interactions
Command | Description |
Tab | Moves focus to the next tabbable element inside the dialog. If focus is on the last tabbable element, it wraps back to the first. |
Shift + Tab | Moves focus to the previous tabbable element inside the dialog. If focus is on the first, it wraps to the last. |
Escape (ESC) | Closes the dialog, but only when disableCancel is set to false (default) |
Attribute | Value | Description | User supplied |
ariaLabelledby | string | Defines the aria-label of the dialog, taken from the contents of the title slot. | no |
ariaDescribedby | string | Describes the purpose of the dialog | yes |
ariaModal | boolean | Defines the type of dialog; whether it is modal or not | no |
ariaRole | 'dialog', 'alertdialog' | Defines the type of dialog; set by the role property, default is dialog | no |