
A dialog serves as a container for in-page contextual information or actions, allowing users to confirm or cancel tasks without navigating away from the current page.


Open dialogDialog title Dolore nulla ad magna nostrud cillum veniam sint et consectetur anim Lorem. Sint fugiat id deserunt magna et tempor veniam eu fugiat fugiat. Fugiat mollit sint labore adipisicing do mollit eu dolore nulla enim cillum.

Pariatur amet occaecat dolor consectetur aliqua mollit est aliquip irure cupidatat. Reprehenderit consectetur anim sunt voluptate dolor aute non enim aliqua sit. Occaecat irure ullamco aliquip minim labore occaecat dolor magna duis. Voluptate tempor amet cupidatat officia labore ipsum ad do.Close

<!--The trigger-->
<sl-button id="open-button" fill="solid" variant="primary">Open dialog</sl-button>

<!--The dialog-->
<sl-dialog id="dialog-example">
  <span slot="title">Dialog title</span>
  Dolore nulla ad magna nostrud cillum...
  <sl-button slot="actions" sl-dialog-close autofocus>Close</sl-button>

When to use

The following guidance describes when to use the Dialog component.

Critical information

Use dialogs to present critical information or ask for decisions. For instance, when confirming a high-risk action (e.g., deleting data), a dialog ensures user attention.

Short tasks

For quick tasks that don’t warrant a full page transition, use dialogs. They allow users to stay within the context of their current workflow.

When not to use

The following guidance describes when not to use the Dialog component.

Complex data

Don’t overload dialogs with extensive data or complex interactions. Keep them concise.

Premature triggers

Only show dialogs when the user explicitly triggers them. Avoid interrupting the user unnecessarily.


1OverlayObscures the page content behind the panelNo
2PanelContains the header, subheader, panel content and actionsNo
3HeaderAn area to display content at the top of the panel (e.g. title)Yes
4SubheaderAn area to display the description of the titleYes
5Close buttonIcon button for closing the dialogYes
6ContentAn area to display any contentYes

Figma Options

With these options, you can tweak the appearance of the dialog in Figma. They are available in the Design Panel so you can compose the dialog to exactly fit the user experience need for the use case you are working on.

Devicedesktop mobileSelect the device for your prototype to ensure an optimal layout.
Sizesm md (default) lg xlThe dialog come in four sizes: small, medium (default), large and extra large, providing flexibility to align with your design requirements.
Close IconbooleanChoose if you want to show a close button.
Header Ordertitle subtitleChoose if you want to start with the title or subtitle.
ContentbooleanChoose if you want to show content (slot component).
Slot Component.slotSelect your own component to display within the dialog component.
ActionsbooleanChoose if you want to show actions.
Alignleft rightChoose if you want to show the actions on the left or right side.



As content is injected into the dialog, the dialog grows vertically to accommodate the information passed to it.

Content overflow

When content exceeds the vertical space, it overflows and becomes scrollable.

Interactive example