
A menu provides relevant actions based on the user's current selection, enhancing usability by offering quick access to necessary options and reducing cognitive load.

  <span slot="button">Actions</span>
    <sl-icon name="smile"></sl-icon>
    <sl-icon name="far-gear"></sl-icon>
    <sl-icon name="far-trash"></sl-icon>

<sl-menu-button aria-label="Show more options">
  <sl-icon name="ellipsis" slot="button"></sl-icon>

When to Use

The following guidance describes when to use the Menu component.

Contextual Actions

Some interface elements can have additional actions, and providing a menu can enhance efficiency and streamline workflow. For instance, options to view details, open related documents, or access settings, offering extra details and actions specific to the element.

Reducing Visual Clutter

Keeping a clean interface with repetitive elements (like cards or table rows), but additional actions are still necessary, a menu fixes this scenario while providing access to secondary actions. For example, sorting a list of elements or changing the view of the page.

When not to Use

The following guidance describes when not to use the Menu component.

Primary Navigation

Menus should not be used for primary navigation in applications because they are hidden until triggered by a specific action, making them less discoverable for users. Basic actions should always be visible and accessible to ensure users can efficiently navigate to essential features without additional steps. Relying on menus for primary navigation can also create inconsistency in accessing core functions by requiring users to learn multiple ways to perform basic tasks.


1Button MenuThis is the trigger button to open the
2Menu PopoverThis is the container for all the options of the menu, and appears close to the button
3Option ItemsThis are the menu options that can be separete on "Option Button" that behave like a regular button, "Selection Option" that can behave like a checkbox or radio button, and "Sub-Menu Button" to open a nested
4Group HeadingTitle for the option groups to make eaiser to understand the function of the options.yes
5Option IconsYou can display an icon in each option to enhance the readability.yes
6Option ShortcutsAdding shortcuts to the options to improve usability.yes
7Group HeadingTitle for the option groups to make eaiser to understand the function of the options.yes
8Danger OptionSpecific danger option of the menu.yes


The Figma component and the naming of its properties is still a work in progress. This information will be added as soon as possible.


Grouped Options

Splitting the related actions with a divider creates multiple categories, with the possibility of adding a heading to these ones. This helps users to quickly locate the available actions based on the relation of each action in the same group.

Overflow Content

Using sub-menus or nested options to organize related actions. This approach helps maintain clarity and reduces visual clutter by nesting similar or related actions under sub-menus. For example, within a "File" menu option, nested menus might include "Save As," "Print," and "Export," enhancing usability. However, this solution isn’t the magic one to create an infinite sub-menus to nested everything. Avoid adding more than 2 nested menus, so don’t exceed 3 levels.

Shortcut Options

Keyboard shortcuts next to menu options, providing alternative access methods for frequently used actions. These are typically indicated by symbols, numbers, or combinations, allowing proficient users to perform actions quickly without relying solely on mouse interactions. For instance, the "Paste" option in a text editor or the shortcut "Ctrl + V" enables users to execute the action promptly using the keyboard.

Interactive example