
Spinner component is used as a loading indicator.


<sl-spinner variant="accent" size="xl"></sl-spinner>

When to use

Feedback for Delays

If there's a delay in the response time, using a spinner can reassure users that their action is being processed, reducing uncertainty and impatience.

Processing Actions

Spinners are particularly useful in asynchronous operations where users might need to wait for a response without the system appearing frozen. This could include actions like submitting a form.

When not to use

Predictable Delays

If the delay is predictable and very short, less than a second, using a spinner might not be necessary and can even be distracting. When action happens instantaneously, like clicking a button that toggles something immediately visible on the interface, it doesn't require a spinner.

Dynamic Content

Avoid using a spinner when content is dynamically loaded or refreshed, use a skeleton instead. You can use a spinner during searching, which gives users immediate feedback that their action is processing. This enhances the perceived responsiveness of the application, but when it is loading, the new content is the skeleton.


1Spin LineThis section of the circular shape indicates the visual effect of something processing while it rotates.no
2Spin ShadowThe visual element that creates the circular shape, often resembling a ring. This shape serves as the base for the spinner animation.no


Spinner come in various versions, each suited for specific situations:

  • Default: The standard spinner appearance is suitable for general use cases without specific emphasis or contextual meaning.

  • Accent: Used to highlight spinners in areas that require additional attention or emphasis, typically to draw focus to important actions or processes within the interface.

  • Info: Utilized to indicate spinners associated with informational content or actions, providing users with feedback on ongoing processes or informative updates.

  • Success: Used to indicate successful actions or processes, showing users that an operation is successful or that progress will have a positive outcome.

  • Warning: Associated with warning or cautionary messages or actions, alerting users to potential issues or risks that require their attention or further action to mitigate.

  • Danger: Reserved for spinners that indicate potentially critical actions, alerting users to processes that may have negative consequences if not handled carefully or resolved promptly.

Figma Options

With these options, you can tweak the appearance of the spinner in Figma. They are available in the Design Panel so you can compose the spinner to exactly fit the user experience need for the use case you are working on.

Sizexs sm md lg xl 2xl 3xlIndicates the size of the spinner. If not specified the default value is medium.
Variantdefault light accent info success warning dangerIndicates the variant of the spinner.
Interactive example