Text area

Text areas allow users to enter and edit multi-line text. They typically appear in forms.

  <sl-text-area aria-label="Hobbies" value="Painting, drawing, dance..."></sl-text-area>

When to use

The following guidance describes when to use the text area component.

Unconstrained input

When you need to collect input that can be of variable length, such as comments, descriptions, or notes. Use a text area when the newline character (line break) is a valid part of the content.

When not to use

The following guidance describes when not to use the text area component.

Single-line input

If the input is expected to be short and concise, consider using a text field component instead of a Text Area. For instance, when collecting a username or password a single-line input is more appropriate.


1Input containerAn interactive input area.No
2Input & placeholder textInput text is a value the user has entered into an input and the placeholder text is a short hint that describes the expected value of an input.No
3CaretA thin vertical line that blinks to indicate where input will be inserted.No
4Resize handleAn indicator that appears in the bottom right corner of the input container.No

Figma Options

With these options, you can tweak the appearance of the text area in Figma. They are available in the Design Panel so you can compose the text area to exactly fit the user experience need for the use case you are working on.

Text Area

Sizemd lgThe text area come in two sized medium (default) and large.
Statedefault valid invalidTo indicate the state of the text area.
FilledbooleanTo indicate if the text area is filled or displays a placeholder.
Input textvalueTo insert the text of the filled text or placeholder.


LabelbooleanTo display a label.
Sizesm md lgThe label come in three sizes small, medium (default) and large.
DisabledbooleanTo show the disabled state of the label.
RequiredbooleanIndicates if the text area is required.
OptionalbooleanIndicates if the text area is optional.
InfobooleanTo show a info icon with tooltip after the label.
TextvalueTo insert the text of the label.


HintbooleanTo display the hint.
Sizesm md lgThe label come in three sizes small, medium (default) and large.
Statedefault disabled invalidTo indicate the state of the hint.
IconbooleanDisplays an icon in front of the hint.
TextvalueTo insert the text of the hint.

Focus ring

Focus ringbooleanTo display the focus state of the text area.
  <sl-text-area aria-label="My favourite subject" value="My favourite subject is..."></sl-text-area>


Component has a range of properties to define the experience in different use cases.


autocompleteautocompletetypeof HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype.autocomplete | undefinedSpecifies which type of data the browser can use to pre-fill the textarea.

NOTE: Declare the type this way so it is backwards compatible with 4.9.5,
which we still use in `@sl-design-system/angular`.
customValiditycustom-validitystring | undefinedThe error message to display when the control is invalid.
dirty-booleanfalseA control is dirty if the user has changed the value in the UI.
disableddisabledboolean | undefinedWhether the textarea is disabled; when set no interaction is possible.
form-HTMLFormElement | nullThe form associated with the control.
formValue-unknownThe value used when submitting the form.
labels-`NodeListOf<HTMLLabelElement>` | nullThe labels associated with the control.
maxLengthmaxlengthnumber | undefinedMaximum length (number of characters).
minLengthminlengthnumber | undefinedMinimum length (number of characters).
namenamestring | undefinedThe name of the form control.
nativeFormValue-FormValueReturns the form value as used in a native `<form>`. This is always a string, File, FormData or null.
placeholderplaceholderstring | undefinedPlaceholder text in the input.
readonlyreadonlyboolean | undefinedWhether you can interact with the textarea or if it is just a static, readonly display.
requiredrequiredboolean | undefinedWhether the textarea is a required field.
resizeresize'none' | 'vertical' | 'auto''vertical'The way the textarea can be resized.
rowsrowsnumber | undefinedThe number of rows the textarea should initially have.
If not set, the browser defaults to 2 rows.
showValidshow-validbooleanfalseWhen set will cause the control to show it is valid after reportValidity is called.
showValidityshow-validity'valid' | 'invalid' | undefinedWhether to show the validity state.
sizesize'md' | 'lg''md'The size of the textarea.
textarea-HTMLTextAreaElementThe textarea in the light DOM.
touched-booleanfalseA control is marked touched once the user has triggered a blur event on it.
valid-booleanReturns whether the form control is valid or not.
validationMessage-stringString representing a localized (by the browser) message that describes the validation
constraints that the control does not satisfy (if any). The string is empty if the control
is not a candidate for constraint validation, or it satisfies its constraints.

For true localization, see `getLocalizedValidationMessage()` instead.
validity-ValidityStateReturns the validity state the control is in.
validityState-'valid' | 'invalid' | 'pending'Returns the current validity state.
valuevalueunknown | undefined''The value for the textarea.
wrapwrap'soft' | 'hard''soft'The way text should be wrapped during form submission.


getLocalizedValidationMessagestringThis returns a localized validation message. It does not support all `ValidityState` properties,
since some require more context than we have here. If you need to support more, you can override
this method in your own form control.
reportValiditybooleanReturns whether the control is valid. If the control is invalid, calling this will
also cause an `invalid` event to be dispatched. After calling this, the control
will also report the validity to the user.
resetvalue: unknownvoid
setCustomValiditymessage: string | Promise<string>voidSets a custom validation message for the form control. If the message
is not an empty string, that will make the control invalid. By setting it to
an empty string again, you can make the control valid again.


NameEvent typeDescription
sl-blurSlBlurEventEmits when the focus leaves the component.
sl-changeSlChangeEvent<string>Emits when the value changes.
sl-focusSlFocusEventEmits when the component gains focus.
sl-form-controlSlFormControlEventEmits when the form control is added to the DOM.
sl-update-stateSlUpdateStateEventEmits when the UI state (dirty, pristine, touched or untouched) of the form control changes.
sl-update-validitySlUpdateValidityEventEmits when the validity of the form control changes.
sl-validateSlValidateEventEmits when the form control can be validated.


textareaThe slot for the textarea element

CSS Properties

--sl-text-area-rowsThe number of rows initially visible in the textarea

Keyboard interactions

Here's an overview of the common keyboard interactions associated with a text area:

TabWhen focus is outside the text area, moves focus to the input container. If focus is on the input container, moves focus to the end enhancer (if provided, and interactive).


WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties for a text area provide essential information to assistive technologies and screen readers. They convey the text area's role, state, and additional properties to ensure accessibility and a better user experience for individuals using assistive technology.Specifies whether the attribute is always set in the component (no) or it can be provided by the developer (yes)

AttributeValueDescriptionUser supplied
role'textbox'Identifies as an element that allows the input of text.no
aria-labelstringIt is used to define a string that labels the action that will be performed when the user interacts with the text area. Needs to be added when the text area is not wrapped with sl-form-field and there is no sl-label.yes
aria-labelledbystringUsed to connect with single header/element that describes the text area, when there is no label component connected to.yes
aria-requiredbooleanInforms the user that an element is required. When set to ‘true’, screen readers notify users that the element is required.yes
aria-disabledbooleanAnnounces the text area component as disabled with a screen reader. See [Note 1] below.yes


  1. The aria-disabled should not be used as a one-for-one replacement for the disabled attribute because they have different functionalities:
  • disabled dims the text area visually, takes it out of the tab-focus sequence, prevents actions (click, enter) on it and announces it as 'dimmed' or 'disabled' in a screen reader.

  • aria-disabled only does the latter. You will need to disable the functionality yourself. This might be useful for scenarios where you don't want to take the text area out of the navigation flow.

When disabled is added to a text area there is no need to also add aria-disabled. Everything aria-disabled does, disabled does as well. You can read more on the difference and in which scenarios which option might be preferable on the MDN page about aria-disabled.

Interactive example